Effective marketing is the key to selling your home quickly and getting the highest price. Aggressive, effective marketing of our client’s homes by every available medium is how we’ve become a top real estate agency in the Inland Empire area. It’s our job to assure that you get as many qualified offers as possible, allowing you to extract the highest price the market will bear.

The condition and appearance of your home are also critical factors in getting the best price for your home. We will personally walk through your home with you and advise you of what you can do to properly stage your home most effectively. Some areas are much more important and more likely to pay off than others! Often, the buyer is motivated by emotional responses as much or more than financial issues. There are usually things we can point out to you that are easy and inexpensive, yet go a long way toward triggering those “buy” emotions.

One problem we often encounter is that many times, sellers have repairs or some deferred maintenance or even upgrades needed that they just don’t have the funds to cover. This is where California Curb Appeal’s VIP Program steps in to alleviate these worries.

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What your real estate professional seeks to accomplish is to raise the value of your property to the largest percentage of individuals who will be viewing the property. This requires our professional to predict the characteristics of your most-likely buyer, then make your property desirable to that buyer. This is a process requiring a great deal of experience and knowledge. This is precisely why choosing the right real estate professional is so incredibly important.

If there is a disconnect between the condition of the property that our predicted buyers are looking for and the condition and characteristics of the property you wish to sell, this is where we step in.


After taking an honest assessment of the property we wish to sell, then comparing it to the property that our buyers wish to buy, then we list all of those items that do not match. We bring in contractors that will correct these items and provide estimates to you. Once we know how much it will cost to bring the property to the most “sellable” condition, then we re-evaluate what the property will sell for IF we made these corrections. In most cases, we realize a net equity increase of ten times the cost of these corrections!

This means more money in YOUR POCKET.


What we have realized, that most individuals do not have the extra funds to cover the costs of these corrections. This is where our program steps in to help. After careful research and approval of the costs, under the VIP program, we will cover up to $10,000 worth of repairs and improvements; payable upon close of the escrow to sell the property*. Certain conditions apply, but most properties are approved. This allows you, the seller, to cash in on the additional equity gained through these improvements. Below is an example of a home that qualified for this program:

Value before improvements: $410,000
Cost of improvements: $10,000
Value after improvements: $450,000
Net equity realized by seller: $30,000

We believe in this program. As your agency, we will also negotiate furiously on your behalf throughout the entire process to ensure that you receive the very most for your property, both the highest price, and the best terms.


If you think your home would be a great candidate for this program, please reach out to us and schedule a consultation. We can do consultations either in person, or through an online portal such as FaceTime or Zoom. Email us for an immediate response at or use the form.