Tiffany’s amazing self-motivation and positive attitude shines brighter than California sunshine. She came to California Curb Appeal with the desire to help educate others and we made sure to give her all the tools to do so.
As a mom of twins and a fitness instructor, she’s packed with financial knowledge and a get-up-and-go attitude. As an extraordinary real estate specialist, she’s as sharp as a tack and ready to be of service – all the more reason she’s one of our Coachella Valley property leaders.
If you’re looking for Palm Springs area property or looking to sell, give us a ring and ask for
Tiffany….she’ll help you make a deal that is (as they say in the South) sweet as sweet potato pie!
“Thank you for considering California Curb Appeal for your real estate needs. As members of this community, we pride ourselves in serving those looking to buy, sell, or conduct business in the Inland Empire. We understand that a lot goes into conducting real estate related deals and while things can get complicated – we keep it simple. We’re here to walk you through the process and support you every step of the way so reach out - send us an email or give us a call! We look forward to partnering with you as your trusted, local, real estate broker.”